Welcome to the Town of Riverhead
Parks & Recreation Registration Site!
Welcome! If you already have an online account with Riverhead Parks & Recreation feel free to register for our offerings online. If you think you already have a family account with our department and cannot seem to access it online OR you need help editing your account please call us at (631)727-3200 ext. 205 so we can help you troubleshoot these issues. Please DO NOT make an additional new account if you already have one as it slows down the registration process. If you already have an email listed with us but, have not set-up a password please select "forgot password" to receive an email to help walk you through the online registration process.Riverhead residents will be required to provide proof of residency at the time of purchase to receive any resident discounts.
If you prefer to setup your account and register in person please visit :
The Recreation Department at 60 Shade Tree Lane, Aquebogue, NY
The Parks Depratment at 55 Columbus Avenue, Riverhead, NY
Follow Us on Social Media for our latest Updates and offers!

Please be advised that municipal law mandates that all programs be charged the mandated credit card fees.